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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Nepal Earthquake

Inquiry topic

Our inquiry topic for the second half of this term has been about helping people in need. We have been studying the Nepal earthquake.  We have been learning about how and why earthquakes occur and discussing how people are affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes.

We have written wonderful recounts on our earthquake experiences and created beautiful poems to do with the Nepal quake.  Great learning room 2!

Maths on Friday

Everyday Maths

We have just started to look at fractions and because we covered measurement this term I had promised a baking day! Here we are making chocolate chip oat cookies.  We measured the ingredients and we saw the difference between 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 cups.  The children really enjoyed making the biscuits and I'm sure they enjoyed eating them too!

Buddy class

Buddy class

On Thursday afternoon, our buddy class introduced us to a fun Egyptian game called seega. It's a game of strategy, a little bit like naughts and crosses.  Room 2 really enjoyed challenging our buddies.  Thanks Mr Ricketts and room 5! 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Our movie on the Battle of the Mountains

Our movie

This is room 2's version of the Battle of the Mountains.  We hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


The battle of the Mountains

I love your writing room 2! 
Take a look at our fabulous writing on the story of the Battle of the Mountains. We are currently working on turning this story into a play, so watch this space!







Great maths

Basic facts and Multiplication

Maths is fun, here we are playing I have... who has? and using egg cartons for skip counting and repeated addition.  Great maths room 2!