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Sunday, October 25, 2015


Pet Day Art Update

I am still sourcing some spare old gumboots please!  I now have 18 but still need 5 more by this Tuesday morning (27th October).  So please, please, please check around home, ask friends, relatives etc , etc to see if you can bring in a couple of pairs by this TUESDAY MORNING. We are painting and decorating them and it would be nice we could have enough for one  each child to decorate.  Thank you to those who have kindly donated pairs. (adult boots are fine too).

Also, could you please pick some flowers (wild flowers in paddocks or flowers from your garden) and bring these to school this TUESDAY MORNING. I need these to go inside the gumboots, so please make sure the stalks are left long (about 20 cm).  Any flowers donated will be fantastic.  

Thank you
Mrs B

cross country

Cross Country Day

Luckily the weather held out and we were able to run the cross country on Friday.  Here we are before our race.
The year 2 and 3's were first up, so we didn't have long to wait before we were off. The children did really well, they all tried their best and did a great job of avoiding the prickles and the muddy creek!

Here are a few photos from the day.  Great running room 2!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

End Of Term Show

The Lion And The Mouse



Towards the end of the term we looked at tessellations.  Here we are making and drawing tessellating patterns.