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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Buddy Reading

Buddy reading with room 5

On Friday room 5 came into our class to do some buddy reading.  They have been learning how to be good reading coaches. Thanks room 5, we really enjoyed reading with you.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Our Maths

A typical maths lesson in our class would look like this...
This is what we do at maths time in room 1.  We are engaged in our learning and work hard in groups and individually.  Awesome maths room 1!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Learning how to Manage Ourselves

Managing Self

We have been learning to manage ourselves in room 1.  We have talked about keeping our classroom running efficiently and how this looks and what it sounds like. So this means we have been practising how we set up, play and pack away our activities.
We are doing a great job. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Our Awesome Beach Trip

Beach Day Out

What an amazing day.  We all had so much fun from the moment we got on the bus.  When we arrived we played different beach activities in our teams.  We had a fun paddle in the sea. Some of us got very wet but we didn't mind because it was a hot day.  After lunch we did an activity in our class groups.  Room one made the most magnificent sandcastle.  It had about 12 bridges, but who's counting! We packed up, brushed off the sand and made our way back into the bus.  The journey home was a lot quieter as some of us fell asleep.

Meet the teachers bbq

 Fun night at school

What a great night.  The sun shone, the sausages were sizzling, the swimming was sensational!
Thank you to all the families that attended the BBQ, it was great to meet you. A huge thanks to the parents and PTA that made this possible.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Buddy Swim

Friday Buddy Swim

We had a great time on Friday with our buddy class.  Thanks room 5 for helping us learn to float on our backs.

A Busy First Week

Our First Week Back

What a busy first week.   We spent a few days getting to know each other and learning the class rules and routines.  Here are a few photos to show you what we have been doing...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Welcome to Room 1

Meet our class
What a crazy bunch!

Welcome back to school!  We have been busy getting to know each other and learning how our classroom runs.  We have been swimming every day, which has been a huge relief in this heat.
If you haven't popped in to say hello, please feel free to drop by before or after school as it would be great to meet you all.