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Monday, September 26, 2016

Cross Country

Get Fit For Cross Country

Cross Country is at the end of Week 2 next term so we will be running every afternoon for the first 2 weeks!
Make sure you go for a few runs during the holidays. It's a good thing to do as a family.

If you don't do much running here's a few tips to get you started:
  • interval training is a fast way to get you fit.
  • jog lightly to warm up for 2 mins then walk 1 minute.  Repeat the intervals 2-3 times (run 2 mins, walk 1 min). Don't forget to stretch your calves,quads and hamstrings during the workout.
  • If you live in town you can use the lamp posts to mark out distances, e.g. run to one then walk to the next.
  • Gradually increase the amount of time you run for and reduce the walk time so you are  eventually running for 15 -20mins.
  • keep hydrated and stretch your muscles after they are warmed up.
  • have fun.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Pet day craft making

Pet Day

Please save any 1.5 L fizzy bottles and small yogurt pot containers (i.e fresh and fruity pots) over the holidays, ready for our Pet day art. Please bring these the first day back.
Thank you.


Friday, September 16, 2016


Science Can Be Tasty!

This week for part of our fizzing and foaming topic, we tasted the ingredients in sherbet. The children tasted each of the separate ingredients and wrote about its texture, smell and taste. Here's what they said
"it's disgusting"
"it bubbles"
"it's gritty"
"it tastes sour" 
"it fizzes"
"it feels like sand"
 The next day we combined the ingredients to make sherbet fizz and their reactions were quite different!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bubble Art

Science and Art

Today we combined science with art.  We coloured bubble solution with dye and blew bubbles onto paper.  As the bubbles landed they created different patterns of colour.  The children experimented with spray bottles as well. It was messy but so much fun! 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Continental Drift

Room 1 please practise at home

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Science Fun


We have just started our science unit on fizzing and foaming.  We had so much fun making erupting volcanoes and making magical potion. Check out our video below.  Great science room 1!