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Friday, June 30, 2017

The Blue Whale

Measuring the length of the Blue Whale

As we have been learning all about measurement in maths, we decided to measure exactly the size of a Blue whale.  We took 1 metre rulers and placed them in a line across the Netball court,30 metres is a long way to measure!  Mrs Buckley drew an outline of the whale and it's tail flukes which are 4.5 metre wide.  This gave us an indication of just how big this mammal is.
Great measuring Room 1!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Black Day

Go All Blacks

On Friday we all dressed up in black to support our players, it must have bought them luck because they played so well on Saturday night.  Go the Blacks!
Here we are all in black.

Whale art and poetry

Blue Whales

We are currently learning about the largest mammal on Earth, the Blue whale. For literacy last week we wrote Blue Whale Haiku poems and we are now in the middle of constructing some Whale art to accompany our poems.  Here we are busy adding collage to our Whale water colour masterpieces! 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

Whale Jawbone

Who own's this Jawbone?

Today Esther's mum kindly gave us a whale's jawbone to examine.  
Whilst out walking in Wanganui Beach, Esther's family noticed a stick like object poking out from the sand.  On closer inspection they discovered it was a jawbone.  It belongs to a whale.  With our new knowledge of whales, we now know that it has to be a Toothed whale and not a Baleen whale.  We have yet to work out which whale type it belongs to.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful discovery.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Volume, capacity and weight

We have lots of fun this week doing practical activities to learn about volume, capacity and weight. We have been filling up containers with water and cubes, guessing how much a container will hold and weighing objects.  We even had to work out how many of us could fit in a cardboard box. We only managed to fit 12 before we ripped the box, OOPS!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Maui and the Sun

Today Room 1 performed our version of Maui and the Sun. The children all worked so hard over the last few weeks working together to produce the wonderful Sun and props and practicing the play.They did such a fabulous job, I am so proud of you all!
Here are some photos of the great team work Room 1!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Basketball with Miles

Yesterday we had our first basketball session with Miles. The children learned how to stand and jump stop. They had a practice throwing and catching the ball.  Great skills room 1! 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Seven Fish of Matariki


We have been learning the legends associated with Matariki and it's significance.  The children retold the legend of the Seven Fish of Matariki and created a moving story.  We have still to complete a couple more but the majority are complete.  Take a look at the slideshow and enjoy their stories.