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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Our first week

First week back

Wow what a busy first week ...We have started dance lessons and we are learning our moves ready for the dance sharing in week 5 (keep that in your diary). 

Our inquiry is how to care for pets and we are finding out "What will make the best class pet?" We will be getting a real pet and I will be looking for volunteers to help pet sit at the weekends.

Then today we had a special visit from the Turbos and they competed against the children in various challenges, it was highly entertaining.  Here are some pictures.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Whale books

Sharing our new knowledge

We have been learning all about the importance of protecting our wonderful whales. We read books and watched amazing documentaries on the Blue Whale. After researching, each student created a fabulous talking book all about the Blue Whale and what we can do to help protect them in our oceans. The children enjoyed sharing these books with their big buddies.  Great learning room 1!