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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Class trip

Tuesday's Trip to the Esplanade

To finish off our Forces and Motion unit, Rooms 1,2,7 and 8 took a trip to the Esplanade Walkway. The children had a choice of using bikes or scooters.  After a quick morning tea, we got into 4 groups and off we went.  The first group cycled 14 kms and managed to make it all the way to the end of the track.  After an hour of exercise we returned to the park for some lunch and the children got to have a play on the adventure playground.  
It was a fun day.  Thank you to the parents who kindly gave up their time to help us out.


  1. Wow! room 2 it looks like you had great fun at the esplanade I wish I could have joined you.

  2. That looks fun Room 2. I wish I could of sneaked in with you!

  3. It looks like a very fun trip room 2. Wish I could come!

  4. looks like you had heaps of fun room2. I would have had heaps of fun if I had came along with you!

  5. wow looks like fun room 2

  6. that looks like alot of fun I wish I was there
