Today Rooms 1, 2, 7 and 8 went to the Marae.
We walked from school and we were welcomed onto the Marae by Mr Kereama.
The Kaikanga called us onto the Marae, and Mrs Turner replied and we followed behind
her towards the Meeting house. We went into the Meeting house and we sang our
waiata and we did a hongi with the people of the Marae. Inside the Wharenui we
saw beautiful Tukutuku panels and carvings which represent the ancestors of the
Marae. We ate delicious food inside the
Wharekai and we played some traditional Maori games like Pōtaka tā and Rakau. We had a fantastic day and here are some
wonderful pictures.
Thanks to our wonderful parents who helped out today, we
couldn’t have done it without you.
Hope you had a great time juniors.