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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yellow Submarine

Here is a video of our play and dance. Well done room 1 you are awesome sailors!

Sunday, December 10, 2017


To mark the end of our floating and sinking unit room 1 made boats and tested them out.  The children tested them to see if they would float as they raced them across the water tray.  There were some fabulous constructions.  Well done room 1.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Slip and Slide

Today we had our fun sports day at Halcombe.  We rotated around different activities and then later this afternoon we got to cool down with the slip and slide.  Thanks seniors you made the slip and slide super slippery and exciting to go down!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Instructional writing

How to Make a Sailor Hat

We have been learning about floating and sinking for science.  Using the app book creator, we have written instructions on how to make a sailor hat .  Here are a few of the books.  
We will be wearing our cool hats at our show on prize giving.  We hope you can make it.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Small ball skills

Here we are practicing our small ball skills.  We have been throwing and catching and playing fun games like rounders and long ball.  Great skills room 1.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Touch on Thursday

The children have been enjoying the touch games on Thursday nights.  Thanks to our parents for your encouragement and support. Here are a few pictures of some of our teams.

Friday, November 10, 2017


Floating and Sinking

This week we began our science topic, Floating and Sinking.  We talked about things we know that float and sink e.g a boat.  Today we tested out various items to see whether or not that could float or sink. Parents, don't be alarmed if the children ask to drop things into water this weekend!

Here are a few pictures.  Great science room 1.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Out trip to Totara Reserve

Our Big Day Out

Today room 1 and 2 went to Totara Reserve for our bush walk and outdoor activities.
We were lucky with the weather and the children coped very well with the walk.  Thanks to our wonderful parent helpers that drove us out there and helped out with the activities, you were awesome.  It was a great day.  Here are a few pictures.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Cross Country Day

Cross Country

Wow what a day!  The sun shone for us and the kids were all excited to run in this year's race.  Everyone tried really hard and ran really well.  Here are a few snaps of the kids at the top corner of the course.  Thanks to the parents who came to support our runners. Great running everyone!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pet Day

We had a wonderful day at Pet day today, the children had fun looking at all the wonderful animals and were entertained by the seniors during the house challenge.  Great day everyone!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Pet Day Art

Room 1 has been busy getting ready for Pet  Day.    We have made Pet Rocks and Clay animal faces and here we are in the construction phase.  They will be on display in the hall on Pet Day.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Our Technology Project

The Big Bad wolf

After reading the story of the three little pigs, we decided we needed to design a house that was indestructible.  In pairs, we designed and built our houses and today the Big Bad Wolf came to blow them down.  Check out our magnificent houses on the video below.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wheels day

Wheelie great fun!

Today we had Wheels and Burger day.  The children had so much fun scootering around the school and afterwards they enjoyed a yummy burger in the sunshine.  
This is what some of them said...
"After doing a jump, the hardest part is landing on my scooter" said Isaac.
"I fell off my scooter but I got back up again," said Ben C.
"The burgers were the most tastiest burgers ever," said Carter.
Thanks for a great day!

Monday, September 18, 2017

i movies

On Friday afternoon, we had a great time with our buddy class, Room 5, learning how to use imovie. We made movies about our magic number. They are pretty cool! Take a look!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Buddy Class

Making i movies

Room 1 and 5 had fun on Friday afternoon making mathematical i movies.  The students were given a number between 1 and 100 and they had to produce a movie about it. They had to do different tasks and their movie had to include photos, video and music.  We will get the movies onto the blog soon.
Great work room 1 and 5.

Image result for smiley face

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Room one have been expanding their knowledge of multiplication.  Some groups have been learning to solve equal group problems by skip counting. Other groups are working on solving multiplication by using addition strategies. 
Great maths room one!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Classroom goals

Room 1 have been working on classroom goals.  Each student has their own individual superpower goal to work towards.  Once they have earned their superpower by achieving their goal, then they will set another one.  Parents come in and check out your child's superpower and ask them how they will achieve it!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Our Class Pet

Here is a short movie about our inquiry into the best class pet which was shown at yesterday's assembly.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Dance 2017

Here is a short clip of some of our dance routine.  Thanks so much to room 2 and Mrs Olynsma. 
We really enjoyed the show yesterday and we were so proud of you all and how well you danced!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Husky Visit

Today we had a special visit from a Husky dog club. The children learnt how to pat the dogs correctly and saw the Husky dogs in action. Hannah  in room 2 was lucky to have a ride on the bike sled, she got a little muddy but looked to be having a great time!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Celebrating Maths week

Maths Trail

Today rooms 7,8, 1 and 2 did a maths trail in celebration of Maths week.  The children had to work in teams to solve 16 problem solving questions that involved counting and measuring.  The children had fun running actively engaging in real life maths.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Meet our Class Pet


We had such an exciting morning on Tuesday because it was our first day with our class pet.  Fluffy is a ginger and white, long haired male guinea pig and he is so cute. The children learnt how to handle him correctly and as a class we worked out the rules and feeding and cleaning roster. We had lots of cuddle time with Fluffy that day.  He looked terrified and didn't move much but the following day he seemed use to the hustle and bustle of our classroom. The children all wrote wonderful descriptions of Fluffy, which you will find below.  Here are some photos as well. 

Our class pet

Fluffy’s eyes are red like fire flies flying around a jar.  He has a white patch above his head and very cute ears.  He has a good smile with a nose and it’s like a V and a line.


Our class pet

I like Fluffy because he used to not walk but the next day he walked and he ate a lot.  When we held him he ate some silverbeet.  I love him so much he is so fluffy and he is the third best guinea pig.

Our class pet

We have a class pet.  The class pet is a guinea pig.  Its name is Fluffy and its colour is like a caramel colour.  Its eyes are red.  It has a white stripe and it’s very cute.  It feels like a teddy bear.

Our class pet

We have a pet in the class.  It’s called Fluffy.  He is a man guinea pig.  We are going to get another guinea pig so Fluffy will have a buddy to play with.  Fluffy has sensitive ears so we have to be quiet.  Sometimes we have cuddle time (that means we cuddle Fluffy).  At the first day he was scared, he didn’t move a bone and he did not blink and did not eat.  The next day he was munching away.  Today is day three for Fluffy.  Fluffy likes to hide a lot. We made a castle for Fluffy out of a cardboard box.

Our class pet

Fluffy is new to the class and we have to be extra quiet so he’s not scared of us.  He is as fluffy as a bear.  He feels like a carpet in a ball.  He looks like a gingerbread man with a white button.

Our class pet

He looks like fluff and he has two colours.  He is cute.  He feels like a bed and he feels like dogs fur.  He is so cute and he has little toes and he has pink eyes.  He likes carrots and green grass and broccoli leaves too.  He likes to hide in hay and tunnels.

Our class pet

Fluffy is silky like my dog.  He likes to hide in the hay and under his food.  He is calm and really lovely to cuddle.

Our class pet

Fluffy is soft and silky like a cat. I see his fur is like fire.  The fur is silky and he likes carrots.

Our class pet

He likes to eat a lot of carrots.  Fluffy is a guinea pig he lives in our classroom.

Ben R

Our class pet

Fluffy can run very fast…  Fluffy is our class pet.  We all love Fluffy he is the best class pet ever.  He is cuddly.  Fluffy is golden colour and he has a white line.

Our class pet

Fluffy feels like a pillow and his eyes look like red flames.  His coat looks brown and on the top of his head is a white line.

Our class pet

Fluffy is soft like a pillow.  His claws are scratchy … He is cute and cuddly.

Our class pet
Room 1 have a guinea pig called Fluffy!  Fluffy is ginger and he has red eyes and he eats broccoli leaves… and oranges and silverbeet and chew toys.  He has two colours and long hair.  He is soft and he is like a teddy bear. He stays still sometimes and he has a white stripe.  Fluffy is a class pet.

Our class pet

He eats carrots.  It loves tons of hay.  His name is Fluffy.  He looks like a teddy bear.


Our class pet

He is really soft and he is cute.  He likes to eat a lot of broccoli leaves.  He can hear very well.  He’s my best friend.  He looks good and he is not scared of us anymore.  He is not allowed outside unless he gets a check-up from the vet.  He likes to hide in the hay and in his box and he doesn’t move a muscle if we scare him.  I like him lots and lots.  He likes his food because he likes to sleep a lot.  He has little paws and red eyeballs.  Now he has a tunnel to go through.


Our class pet

Yesterday we got Fluffy.  Fluffy is a guinea pig.  Yesterday Fluffy was scared.  He is a cute ginger with a white stripe on him.  He feels like he has long silky hair and he is fluffy, that is why we called him Fluffy, you cutie. He has shiny red eyes that gleam like buttons on a teddy bear.  He is light ginger with a happy smile.

Our class pet

Fluffy is very cute.  I like his fur he is very snuggly.  His eyes are pink and his eyes look like little pieces of glitter.  He likes to wander around and he is cuddly and soft like a blanket.  He is ginger and white.


Our class pet

Fluffy is cuddly and he is very fluffy and very soft like a pillow.  Fluffy likes to hide in the hay and when he is on the carpet he doesn’t move.


Friday, August 4, 2017

Researching our class pet

Which pet is best?

Today we finished our research projects on our class pet.  We researched 4 different pets, rabbit, guinea pig, turtle and goldfish. We researched their living spaces, diets, what toys they need and costs to purchase.  We had a class discussion and vote, then we went to our buddy class and shared our new knowledge.  
We all decided that a guinea pig would make an ideal pet.  Hopefully we will have our new addition by Tuesday so keep a watch as there will lots of pictures on our blog!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Our first week

First week back

Wow what a busy first week ...We have started dance lessons and we are learning our moves ready for the dance sharing in week 5 (keep that in your diary). 

Our inquiry is how to care for pets and we are finding out "What will make the best class pet?" We will be getting a real pet and I will be looking for volunteers to help pet sit at the weekends.

Then today we had a special visit from the Turbos and they competed against the children in various challenges, it was highly entertaining.  Here are some pictures.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Whale books

Sharing our new knowledge

We have been learning all about the importance of protecting our wonderful whales. We read books and watched amazing documentaries on the Blue Whale. After researching, each student created a fabulous talking book all about the Blue Whale and what we can do to help protect them in our oceans. The children enjoyed sharing these books with their big buddies.  Great learning room 1!

Friday, June 30, 2017

The Blue Whale

Measuring the length of the Blue Whale

As we have been learning all about measurement in maths, we decided to measure exactly the size of a Blue whale.  We took 1 metre rulers and placed them in a line across the Netball court,30 metres is a long way to measure!  Mrs Buckley drew an outline of the whale and it's tail flukes which are 4.5 metre wide.  This gave us an indication of just how big this mammal is.
Great measuring Room 1!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Black Day

Go All Blacks

On Friday we all dressed up in black to support our players, it must have bought them luck because they played so well on Saturday night.  Go the Blacks!
Here we are all in black.

Whale art and poetry

Blue Whales

We are currently learning about the largest mammal on Earth, the Blue whale. For literacy last week we wrote Blue Whale Haiku poems and we are now in the middle of constructing some Whale art to accompany our poems.  Here we are busy adding collage to our Whale water colour masterpieces! 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

Whale Jawbone

Who own's this Jawbone?

Today Esther's mum kindly gave us a whale's jawbone to examine.  
Whilst out walking in Wanganui Beach, Esther's family noticed a stick like object poking out from the sand.  On closer inspection they discovered it was a jawbone.  It belongs to a whale.  With our new knowledge of whales, we now know that it has to be a Toothed whale and not a Baleen whale.  We have yet to work out which whale type it belongs to.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful discovery.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Volume, capacity and weight

We have lots of fun this week doing practical activities to learn about volume, capacity and weight. We have been filling up containers with water and cubes, guessing how much a container will hold and weighing objects.  We even had to work out how many of us could fit in a cardboard box. We only managed to fit 12 before we ripped the box, OOPS!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Maui and the Sun

Today Room 1 performed our version of Maui and the Sun. The children all worked so hard over the last few weeks working together to produce the wonderful Sun and props and practicing the play.They did such a fabulous job, I am so proud of you all!
Here are some photos of the great team work Room 1!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Basketball with Miles

Yesterday we had our first basketball session with Miles. The children learned how to stand and jump stop. They had a practice throwing and catching the ball.  Great skills room 1! 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Seven Fish of Matariki


We have been learning the legends associated with Matariki and it's significance.  The children retold the legend of the Seven Fish of Matariki and created a moving story.  We have still to complete a couple more but the majority are complete.  Take a look at the slideshow and enjoy their stories. 

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Buddy Class


On Wednesday our buddy class came to help us write and say our Pepeha.  A Pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It explains who you are and where you are from.  The children read their Pepeha to their big buddies and the big buddies shared their own Pepeha back to room one. Afterwards we played a fun game together. Thanks room five we had a great time!


Monday, May 22, 2017

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Wheels day

Scooters at school...
Yesterday we had Wheels day.  The children brought their scooters, skateboards or roller blades to school and had turns at doing laps around the classrooms. They had so much fun and luckily the heavy rain kept away. At lunchtime they reenergised themselves with spider drinks. What a fun day!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Monday, May 8, 2017

Junior Visit to the Marae

Today Rooms 1, 2, 7 and 8 went to the Marae.
We walked from school and we were welcomed onto the Marae by Mr Kereama. The Kaikanga called us onto the Marae, and Mrs Turner replied and we followed behind her towards the Meeting house. We went into the Meeting house and we sang our waiata and we did a hongi with the people of the Marae. Inside the Wharenui we saw beautiful Tukutuku panels and carvings which represent the ancestors of the Marae.  We ate delicious food inside the Wharekai and we played some traditional Maori games like Pōtaka tā and Rakau.  We had a fantastic day and here are some wonderful pictures.

Thanks to our wonderful parents who helped out today, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Shared writing

On Fridays we do shared writing and we often create big books that we can read during literacy time.  So this week we read the myth about Maui and the big fish and we retold it in our own words.  Each page was illustrated and signed by the children.  Well done room, you are all super writers!